Altar Servers

Serving our Lord as an

Altar Server

Fast Check In Friday

  • How does it work?

    Each spring, those students entering 4th grade will have the opportunity to receive training to become an Altar Server.

    All students in 4th-12th are encouranged and invited to serve our Lord in this way.

    Those who would like a refresher course are also welcome to come.

    Please check the bulletin and website for date and time of spring training.

  • Scheduling Contact

    For those who have special circumstances or for any scheduling questions or concerns, please contact:

    Contact Sue & Nancy
  • Training Contact

    If you're interested in becoming an Altar Server or receiving a refresher course from Father Sahd, please contact:

    Lisa Fortunato
  • Current Schedule

  • Register to become an Altar Server

    Please use this form to sign up as an Altar Server.

    Submit Info
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