1st Grade - 8th Grade
Sunday Mornings 9:15-10:15am
September 22, 2024 - April 27, 2025
Dear families:
This video was passed along to me, and I thought it would be good for all of us, parents and catechists, who pass along the Faith. It is a talk by Msgr. James Shea, who helped write "From Christendom to Apostolic Mission," an essay that explains the times we now live in, and how they are different than we were before.
Before, our culture helped our children learn the Faith. Today, the culture fights against the Faith. We have to be intentional about how we teach our children, or our culture will teach them its values. I encourage you to please watch this video!
God bless you, and thank you for helping pass along the Catholic Faith to our children! Fr. Sahd
Fr. Tim Sahd, Pastor
Lisa Fortunato, Director
1st Grade - Rob Sheaffer
2nd Grade - Rita Angelucci
2nd Grade - Rosemary Rowe
3rd Grade - Rob Mulkerin
4th Grade - Len Tokar
5th Grade - Francine Shreiner
6th Grade - Sherm Bell
7th Grade - Jen Miller & Angela Stover
8th Grade - Bailey & Ryan Thumm
Substitute - Liz Alger
Substitute - Sara Mulhearn, 8th grade
We use a "Car Line" for both Arrival and Dismissal.
For students attending the 10:30am Mass, please read:
$100.00 One Child
$150.00 Two or more children
Current Families:
Your STS account will automatically roll-over into the new year.
New Families:
Please create an account in Simple Tuition Solutions. (see next drop down for instructions)
CURRENT Families:
1. Click HERE to re-enroll
NEW Families:
Please create an account with Simple Tuition Solutions (STS):
1. Step-by-Step STS Instructions
3. Tech Support Chat Button
If also NEW to the parish:
1. NEW Family Form - For Parish Office
For the safety of your children, we need all families to fill out a new medical form each year.
Once a month, at the 10:30am Mass (November-April) Father Sahd will host a student Mass.
Students in a particular grade (4th - 8th) will be Altar Servers, Lectors, and Gift Bearers.
All students in 6th, 7th and 8th grade are invited to join Fr. Sahd for Mass, fellowship and fun!
Click HERE
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.