"Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart, with fasting, and weeping, and mourning." Joel 2:12-18
Parish time of Confessions
Sunday, April 6, 2025 @ 2:00pm
Confessions are our usual schedule, except there will be no confessions on Holy Thursday.
Our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel is open Monday through Thursday 9AM-10PM, and Friday 9AM-Noon.
Jesus is present and waiting to give you His peace.
Fridays 2:15PM & 7PM
Immediately following the 6PM Mass.
Thurs., Apr. 3: Shroud of Turin (Bill Wingard)
Thurs., Apr. 10: Walking Holy Week with Jesus (Fr. Sahd)
These presentations will feature a talk and a Q&A.
The Shroud of Turin (the burial cloth of Jesus) talk will be exciting and feature Bill Wingard, the founder of Shroud Talks. He has spent more than 20 years researching the shroud's history, science and connection to the Passion of Jesus. He will bring a life-size photo of the linen shroud.
I have heard from other places that have heard his presentation, and the reviews were awesome. Please plan on coming to this awesome talk, and also the others, presented by a much less-able speaker!
Ash Wednesday/Good Friday: Fasting (one full meal and two smaller meals that do not equal a large meal AND abstinence (no meat).
Fridays: Abstinence from meat.
*Fasting is for those 18-59 years old, while abstinence is for those older than 14.
To parish:
Fish Fry (Every Friday, 5-8PM, drive-thru only)
These are two major fundraisers for our parish, and also help us to serve our God at Seven Sorrows. Please consider supporting these fundraisers with your work or by stopping by to support them! Supporting the Fish Fry helps you to do your Friday meatless penance, although eating our fish is hardly a penance!
To our community:
40 Cans for Lent food drive (Knights of Columbus) -
please bring food for our local food banks. The bin is in the narthex.
Off the Streets - please consider helping to move families off the streets and into homes! Your financial support (for security deposits) or physical strength (to help move) are needed for this vital ministry!
We have an awesome ministry here at Seven Sorrows that takes Our Lord in the Eucharist to those who cannot (for reasons of health) come to Mass. If you know a family member or friend in our parish who cannot come to Mass, but would like to receive the Eucharist, please contact our parish office at 717-944-3133. Thank you so much!
Now as they were eating, Jesus, having taken bread and having blessed it, broke it, and having given it to the disciples, He said, "Take, eat; this is My body." Matthew26:26